As I sat looking at my computer screen I hesitated to push “Publish.” My first website, created by me, for my writing and coaching services. When I pushed the “Publish” button, a wave of anxiety rushed over me. What if it isn’t perfect?

What if I wrote the wrong thing?

What if I don’t get my point across completely in the article I need to write?

What if the website doesn’t look professional enough?

What if I don’t brand myself in the right way?! (There is a lot of pressure these days to brand yourself just right on the web)

That was 10 months ago. I am still anxious at times thinking about how my website could look better or how I should tweak this or that. But the reality is, what I have created is pretty dang good for never building a website before. If I waited until it was perfect, I would have never pushed the “publish” button.

Perfect is the Enemy of Good.

Perfect Paralyzes

I have grand dreams and grand plans. I know where I want to go, but I am often paralyzed by fear. I fear that if what I do is not perfect, then no one will see (fill in the blank) or it won’t have the impact that it could have if it were perfect.

Often I mull over decisions I need to make. I know that what I need to do, should do, and ultimately want to do, but often my own fear of failure stops me from moving forward.

If I waited until everything was perfect, I would never do anything. No one writes the perfect article or song. No one has the perfect website. We are all constantly trying to improve on our craft. Wording can be updated. Websites can be reconfigured. Paragraphs can be reordered.

Don’t be caught doing nothing because you are worried it is not “perfect.”

Instead, move forward with good enough. I’ve learned I can be excellent in what I do without hinging on being perfect in what I do. I can give it my all each time and know that good is good enough. You can give it your all and know that good is good enough. As long as you are always trying to improve your craft.

Good is Good Enough

Today, let your “good” be good enough and take steps towards your dreams. Create action steps to accomplish your goals. Don’t let the fear of it not being perfect stop you.

Remember, perfect is the enemy of good.

What are you not doing today because it isn’t perfect in your eyes? Tell me below!

Here’s to the Journey!

Stephanie_small (1)

P.S.- Continue the conversation on Facebook! I would love to hear how I can help you on your journey. To receive up to date content, sign up to receive my free 7 Steps to a Prioritized Life on the home page and posts will be delivered right to your inbox.  If Facebook isn’t your favorite social media site, you can connect with me on TwitterPinterest, and LinkedIn.

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