3 Ways to Help Your Kids Overcome the 9-5

Monday. Monday morning, specifically. Thinking about this can send a chill up your spine. Especially when you go to a job you don’t particularly like. We all need income. Sometimes, this means having a job that is less than desirable. After you have been in a job for several years, you begin to feel like […]

Why You Can’t Be Anything You Want

4 Questions to Think About Regarding Your Purpose If you are in your twenties or thirties, then there is a good chance you are going through an identity crises. A crisis that includes decision and the fear of making the wrong decision. Growing up, you were most likely told you could do anything you wanted. […]

No One Told Me Raising Kids Would Be Like This

Raising kids is no joke. There is the feeding them. The playing with them. The disciplining them. The bathing them (I hate this one for some reason). And the constant “Mom, look at me.” To which I respond “Trust me, I am always looking at you.” They tend to suck the life right out of […]