5 Reasons You Need to Encourage Networking Within Your Organization

woman in red blazer sitting by the table having a meeting

Networking. When you hear the work what comes to mind? For most people it is a networking event. Or networking between businesses. What if I told you that networking within your own company is just as beneficial as networking with outside organizations? Networking is the building and nurturing of personal and professional relationships. Those relationships […]

4 Tips to Become a More Effective Communicator

group of people sitting indoors

Communication is the backbone of leadership and business. It takes effective communication to make sure that what is being communicated is received the right way. Often, it is miscommunication that is the downfall of a relationship, whether that is professional or personal. Communication is a dialogue, and not a monologue. It is a two way […]

Online Meetings: The Way of the Future

person writing on notebook

In the workplace, at least a lot of workplaces, meetings can get out of control. Meetings are called when there isn’t a meeting needed. The year of 2020 was the year we found out which meetings could actually be an email instead of a meeting. That was the best 2 days of the working world. […]

6 Reasons You Need to Take the Self-Assessment

close up photography of yellow green red and brown plastic cones on white lined surface

Have you ever worked in an organization where upper management lacked a level of self-awareness? And that self-awareness then bled into the rest of the organization? One of the truest things we can do for those we lead is to know ourselves. Self-awareness is when you know and understand your character, motivation, personality, preferences, desires, […]