So Your Boss Can’t Lead? Book Launch!
I am so excited to be able to share with you that my book, So Your Boss Can’t Lead? A Practical Guide to Be the Boss You Want, is now available! This book was my graduate school project from 5 years ago. It has changed and morphed over the years. It has had 4 different […]
5 Steps to Maximize Your Time as a Leader
Time. We all have the same amount of time in a day: 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds. Yet, some leaders seem to utilize their time better allowing them to maximize their impact. frankieleon via Compfight cc What is the reason some people are able to accomplish more in a day? It’s simple. Time management. […]
Increase Energy and Productivity by Working In Your Strengths
I did it again. I was so focused on what I needed to improve upon I missed the mark. I was more annoyed that I had wasted hours and left feeling worse about myself than feeling fulfilled. I was focusing on improving my weaknesses again. Doing things that were draining. It was a trap I […]
More Time, Less Money for Dinner
*This post contains affiliate links. We live in a chaotic, busy world these days with little to no margin for most people. With the New Year, most are looking for ways to make life simpler. Or at least I know I always am. A time to set up new routines, new goals, new methods to […]