It’s the Qualities That Matter

I love a good sitcom. Let’s be honest, I love watching tv. It helps me tune out from the worries of this world. There are some characters that I resonate with and others that just seem to bug me. I always seem to assess the bosses and leaders within these fictional shows. I’ll look at […]
5 Quotes to Help Change Your Mindset

I used to hate Mondays something fierce. It was hard to want to get out of bed. Then, I discovered that I had the ability to love Mondays if I changed my mindset. A year later I was able to start my own business and leave that job behind, but the shift in mindset helped […]
Leading Your Team to Avoid Remote Worker Burnout

Leading remote workers is difficult. When you are in an office, you have a pulse on what is happening. You can pop into someone’s office for a quick meeting or to see how they are doing. It is a more focused environment, where everyone is there to get a job done. As a leader, I […]
The Difference Between a Manager and Leader

Being a manager is different than being a leader. Management is about efficiency and effectiveness. Leadership is about people and development. A manager is sometimes a leader as well. A leader is sometimes a manager as well, but you can be a leader without a formal title. Managers focus on telling staff what to do and communicating facts. When a […]