Change is known as a four letter word. It is feared more than it is accepted. It is the unknown that is before us. Yet there is an upside to change.

“The only thing that is constant is change.” Heraclitus

The change has only been in effect for 6 days. Yet I can tell you it was the best decision yet for our family.

You know when you know that you know you are supposed to do something, or make a specific decision, but you don’t know how you know that?

I left a secure 9-5 job last week. That is how a lot of those older than me view what I have done. A secure job. Is there such thing as a secure job these days?

I went to work each day, and I didn’t love what I did. We rushed out the door each morning for me to be drained by sitting inside four walls. When I got home each night, I didn’t have energy to work out or play with the kids. I definitely didn’t want to make dinner. It isn’t that the job was bad, in fact, it was pretty good and I worked with some really great people. The problem is I wasn’t working with my people. My little people.

Life is too short and should be lived well.

A change would do you good.

Change can be hard, even when it’s a good change.  There is always an upside to change, yet we don’t normally focus on what we are gaining when we make a change. Often, we focus on what we are losing and wondering if it is worth it.

Whether the change is drastic (as is the case with my situation) or small, I have already seen 3 specific upsides to change.

1. Fresh Start

When you leave something behind and make a change, you are, in many ways, given a fresh start. A clean slate so to speak. Starting a new stage of life? Starting a new job? Decide to change your health and wellness?

A fresh start is granted when we make changes.

2. New Routines Established

Change allows you to establish a new routine. This routine can look so many different ways. Your morning can completely change. How you plan out your day. Adding in a workout time or social time. Routines allow us to move through the day with purpose and intentionality.

3. New Perspective

When you decide to stop doing one thing and start doing another, often it is due to a change in perspective. Life altering events offer this new perspective. Small epiphanies help establish a new perspective as well.

We had a life altering event when we found a lump in our daughters chin. Our eyes were opened and we gained a new perspective on life. This was life altering.

My friend sent me a text the other day about a small realization that offered a huge shift in perspective during this lent season. It was a small thought with huge implications.

When you decide to make a change, it is usually because you have been granted a new perspective on a particular situation.

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In the words of the great philosopher, Sheryl Crow, a change would do you good.

What have you been putting off, afraid of change? Maybe a change would do you good.

Here’s to the Journey!

Stephanie_small (1)

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