
The Changing Face of the Workforce

There is a shift in the workforce taking place. Look around your workplace. Does everyone look alike? Is everyone in the same age bracket? Leading people from various generations is hard, yet not impossible. There are strengths you can tap into with each generation. But firstly, you have to know more about the various generations […]

3 Ways to Delegate for Greater Empowerment

Empowering employees is a new buzzword in the business world. But what does it really mean? In the formal definition, empowering means “give (someone) the authority or power to do something” How does this play out in the business world? Empowering your team is what helps move a business forward. As the business owner or […]

5 Things You Can Do To Become A Better Manager

How many of you saw someone promoted because they were good at the technical side of the job? Or experienced that yourself. But as you went into the position of overseeing a team, you were never taught how to manage and thought to yourself “how are managers made?” If you know what I am talking […]

Is it really a time management issue?

round silver colored analog stopwatch on brown wooden panel

You ever have so much you want to get done but the to-do list ends with the same number of items on it as you started, yet you crossed things off? Odds are, you have a priority management problem, not a time management problem. My daughter is this same way and it is something we […]