New year, new look, new goals.

Life has been insane, especially this past year. We sold our house in 3 days. We bought a house. We got pregnant. We had our third daughter. Our dog had two surgeries. We went on vacation to Hawaii and Disneyland and the beach (three things I really like!). We dealt with illness after illness for about 3 months (thanks to kids and their germs). I continued in my home based business, helping others with both product and starting their own business.

And I dreamed of writing, but never quite found the time.

They say you know what is important to someone by where they spend their money and how they spend their time.


If you looked at how I spent my time this past year you could say I was simply trying to survive. Yes, I had planned times for my priorities and good intentions, but sometimes life just “got in the way.”

Here we are at the beginning of a new year. Life is a little less crazy than it was last year. My intentions are different than last year too.

I hope to see you more this year. I hope you like the new look and the new look that is to come in the next months. I hope the content I provide is worth your time.

Besides, the journey to an extraordinaryl life isn’t always easy, but it is worth it.

Here’s to the Journey!

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