I was focusing on improving my weaknesses again. Doing things that were draining. It was a trap I fell into often as a boss.
Shouldn’t I be good at everything?
And that’s the problem. That thinking took hours away from my productivity. Probably away from your productivity too.
I realized early on when I led staff and volunteer teams that much more could be accomplished if I capitalized on my strengths and the strengths of those I led. I know that I think I can and should do it all, but working on my weaknesses to make them less weak isn’t a very good use of my time or productive self development. The odds that those on my team had strengths that complimented my weaknesses was pretty high. And if they didn’t, then I should learn to hire better in the future.
This is a mindset shift that is important in your leadership journey.
Here are 4 reasons why it matters for you and your employees work out of your strengths:
1. You have limited resources, including time. The one resource in life we never get back is time. Spend it doing something you are not good at and frustrates you is not a good use of your time.
3. When you work in your strengths it energizes you and you are more productive. Being productive often means you are fulfilling a need and purpose. Who doesn’t love to cross things off of their to-do list? It feels good!
4.When you let someone else work in their strengths it energizes them and they are happier overall. In an article on Gallup.com, it states “Gallup analysis reveals that people who use their strengths every day are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life, six times more likely to be engaged at work, 8% more productive and 15% less likely to quit their jobs.”
This seems like a win-win for the leader, the employee, and the organization. When you think you have to do it all, you have failed your organization and your employees. People do not want to be underutilized at the place they will spend the majority of their time. Have you ever asked your employees what their strengths are?
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You will build a strong team when you view your employees strength not as a threat to your own leadership, but an enhancement to the overall team and organization.
Not sure what your strengths are? I encourage you to take the Strengths Finder 2.0 or Strengths Based Leadership assessment to learn your top 5 strengths.
P.S.- Continue the conversation on Facebook! I would love to hear how I can help you on your journey. To receive up to date content, sign up to receive my free 7 Steps to a Prioritized Life on the home page and posts will be delivered right to your inbox. If Facebook isn’t your favorite social media site, you can connect with me on Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
Stephanie German is a leadership coach, adjunct professor, and dedicated work-from-home mom. She holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership and is the chair of the Red Shoe Society Central Valley (Ronald McDonald House guild). When she’s not coaching clients or writing about leadership, Stephanie is usually headed to the mountains or the beach with her family, drinking savory wine, or working on the latest project with her husband. Stephanie’s greatest desires are to nurture the next generation of leaders while raising her own children to be strong, independent, and brave. She lives in Fresno, California with her husband Blake and her three spunky daughters, Cara, Kinsey, and Peyton. She is the author of So Your Boss Can’t Lead?