Does It Take Less Than 5 Minutes?

  As leaders, we are all really busy, right?  Most of us aren’t only leaders in our own organization, but we are volunteering in other places, we have families, and there is just a lot going on.  Due to how crazy life can be, I try to live by the 5 minutes or less rule.  […]

20 Tips to Start 2020 Off on the Right Foot

With the change of a new year often comes reflection and thoughtfulness for the year to come. Usually, the idea stems from a personal nature and not necessarily a combination of your personal life and work. One thing I have learned over the years is even though you may go to a job, your work […]

The First Step is Often the Hardest

Taking the first step, whether it’s on your health journey, looking for another job, setting a boundary, starting a new business,  or getting started on your journey to become a better leader, is always the hardest. Usually fear keeps us from taking the step we know we need to take. The first step is often […]

11 Leadership Quotes to Inspire

Leadership quotes are necessary to continue to inspire and point leaders in the right direction. Leadership is all encompassing. It requires you to be able communicate clearly and inspire your people to action. When I need some motivation and a reminder on what leadership is about and why I do what I do, I go […]