
The First Step is Often the Hardest

Taking the first step, whether it’s on your health journey, looking for another job, setting a boundary, starting a new business,  or getting started on your journey to become a better leader, is always the hardest. Usually fear keeps us from taking the step we know we need to take. The first step is often […]

11 Leadership Quotes to Inspire

Leadership quotes are necessary to continue to inspire and point leaders in the right direction. Leadership is all encompassing. It requires you to be able communicate clearly and inspire your people to action. When I need some motivation and a reminder on what leadership is about and why I do what I do, I go […]

7 Steps to Achieve Your Goals

The word goals conjures up all kinds of emotions. Then when you talk about achieving a goal, even more feelings come to the surface. Thoughts of past goals achieved and those not achieved flood the mind. When I have achieved a goal, one of the most surprising questions I get asked is “how did you […]

When Are We Going To Do Better?

Unless you have been living under a rock, there have been 2 instances in as many days in two very different industries where men have used their power and influence to put women down. It is time that leaders to do better. The Houston Astros Assistant General Manager yelled over to a group of female […]