Increase Energy and Productivity by Working In Your Strengths
I did it again. I was so focused on what I needed to improve upon I missed the mark. I was more annoyed that I had wasted hours and left feeling worse about myself than feeling fulfilled. I was focusing on improving my weaknesses again. Doing things that were draining. It was a trap I […]
More Time, Less Money for Dinner
*This post contains affiliate links. We live in a chaotic, busy world these days with little to no margin for most people. With the New Year, most are looking for ways to make life simpler. Or at least I know I always am. A time to set up new routines, new goals, new methods to […]
New Year, New Look, New Goals
New year, new look, new goals. Life has been insane, especially this past year. We sold our house in 3 days. We bought a house. We got pregnant. We had our third daughter. Our dog had two surgeries. We went on vacation to Hawaii and Disneyland and the beach (three things I really like!). We […]
Why Absurd Goals Demotivate You
I had seven things on my to-do list on Monday. On Tuesday, I had six things. By the time Wednesday came around, I had eight items. All of these items were specific to goals. How in the world did my to-do list increase when I had accomplished several items? I sat down last night and […]