I like to think that I have it all together and can conquer it all. The reality is, that I am far from what I could potentially be.

This is due to my own mindset. I often doubt how smart I am or compare myself to what others are accomplishing, and I put myself in a box. Thinking outside the box is difficult when you are stuck with your thoughts all day and not engaging with articles or individuals who help you expand your thinking.

Often it is our own worldview, our own small thinking that keeps us stuck in the position we are in. We are stuck in our own paradigm and can’t figure out how to create a paradigm shift in our circumstances. To help us think outside the box we have created.

I have had co-workers tell me they dislike their job. I always encourage them to begin seeking out new opportunities. Some do. Others do not. Those that do not are keeping themselves in this place of misery.

I came across this quote the other day in the most unlikely places…

quote-braver than you believe (1)

You are most likely braver, smarter, and stronger than you give yourself credit. Don’t let your mindset turn into a ceiling to what you can accomplish.

If you find yourself stuck in a certain area of your life, either personally or professionally, you need to find a way to move forward.

Here are 4 steps to help you get unstuck in life

 Think through your current situation.

What is it about my current situation that I do not like? Is your living situation horrible? Are you in a relationship that is ok but not great? Are you in a job that you hate going to, but have to go since it pays the bills?

For me, I seem to not have time to work out. When I don’t have time to exercise, I feel off in other areas in my life.

Write down exactly what it is that you feel stuck in.

  1. Think about where you want to be.

If time or money was not an issue, what would your current situation look like? Where is it that I want to be?

This exercise is difficult due to the fact that we have trained our brains to think a certain way and react to circumstances in a particular manner. Let yourself dream a bit. If you could change your current situation, what would the perfect situation look like?

If I had all the time in the world, I would work out 5 days a week doing an intense workout program such as Insanity Max. I would also hire a personal trainer.

  1. Find resources to help you get there.

If you are looking to make a career jump and need resume help, contact someone who can help you spruce up your resume. If you want to become healthier, to make better food choices and exercise, read articles on nutrition to make the best choices.

We are making some healthy lifestyle changes (I hate the word diet). I plan on reading up on nutrition and what amounts of each food group we need to be healthy.

  1. Make a plan to make a change

This is the most difficult step. Remember my co-worker who kept saying she hated her job but would never do anything about it? She is choosing to not make a plan to make a change. Making the plan is scary. It means you have a goal, and what if you don’t achieve that goal? The plan you make to make the change you want needs to have bite sized steps to it. When we set the big goal to begin with, we become frustrated when we don’t see the major result in a short time frame. Breaking it up into small goals will help motivate you to continue on.

My big goal that would end up making me frustrated is to say I am going to lose 20 lbs. Instead, I am going to focus on the first 5. To get there, I am going to work out 3 times a week and eat healthier.  Meal planning allows for us to make better food decisions.

In Conclusion…

We often get stuck in one area of our life once in a while. That is ok, as long as you can recognize it and make a plan to move forward. Hiring a coach may be a good next step for you. I am in the beginning of launching my coaching business and will be offering services at an introductory rate. If you are interested in learning more about coaching, please contact me at stephanie@www.stephaniegerman.com.

You only have one life. Make sure to make the biggest impact possible and to live it to the fullest.

Is there an area of your life, personally or professionally, in which you feel stuck? Share below!

Here’s to the Journey!

Stephanie_small (1)

4 Responses

  1. Thanks Jill! There is so much more that can go into it, but these are some great first steps. Besides, you will always stay where you are unless you take the first step forward!

  2. Such a great article…thanks for sharing Priscila! My favorite line from the article “We continue to carry these beliefs, often unconsciously, around with us throughout our lives.” So very true. And to get past it “No matter the ability–whether it’s intelligence, creativity, self-control, charm, or athleticism–studies show them to be profoundly malleable. When it comes to mastering any skill, your experience, effort, and persistence matter a lot.” We do have the ability to change our situation.

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