I’m not sure about you, but I know for me, I am always thinking about how I can improve my process, systems, product offering…basically how I run my business so that I can continue to move towards my goals from an org standpoint. Before, I was looking at it from the macro level. Being a visionary, I wanted to make big changes and quickly.

Those big, quick changes, were often done poorly.

Most of the decisions I made, the things I worked on and spent time on, weren’t based on anything but my feelings. Now I am not saying your gut intuition shouldn’t be listened to, it definitely should. However, running a business doesn’t end well if you are only running on emotion.

A game changer for my own business, and the businesses of my clients, has come in a simple question.

What is one small tweak you can make?

Need more customers. What is one small tweak you can make to lengthen the lifetime value of that client? (hint: keeping a customer is cheaper than acquiring a customer).

Not sure what your team is doing. What is one small tweak you can make to gain an understanding of where they are at? (hint: the answer is often conversations and tracking metrics).

Profit margins not where you want them to be. What is one small tweak you can make in your finances to see an increase in profit? (hint: most business owners don’t review finances with the lens of removing unused expenses. I’ve got a simple exercise for this if you are interested).

Fill in the blank…..

We often want to take big leaps, which is fine. But it can be the small tweaks from what is already working that can help you continue to propel your business forward.

How do you make better decisions?

I look at two things and have my clients look at two things.

  1. What data do you have to show that what you want to do may actually work or needs to be changed?
  1. If we made a change, and it potentially fails, which one has the best worst-case scenario.

Come up with your answers, then go try that thing. The only way we know if something will work in the end is if you go out and try it. Look at the information collected, and make better decisions. And if you are doing it right, you will always make the change that has the best worst-case scenario.

If you find you are feeling overwhelmed in your role as a leader or business owner, and need to gain clarity and a path forward, scheduling a First Steps Consultation may be your next best step. Sign up here.

Stephanie German is a business strategist, adjunct professor, and speaker. She holds a master’s degree in organizational leadership and loves giving back to her community in a variety of ways. When she’s not coaching clients or writing about leadership, Stephanie is usually headed to the mountains or the beach with her family, drinking savory wine, or working on the latest project with her husband. Stephanie’s greatest desires are to raise up the next generation of leaders while raising her own children to be strong, independent, and brave. She lives in Fresno, California with her husband Blake and her three spunky daughters, Cara, Kinsey, and Peyton. She is the best-selling author of So Your Boss Can’t Lead?

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