So Your Boss Can’t Lead? Book Launch!

I am so excited to be able to share with you that my book, So Your Boss Can’t Lead? A Practical Guide to Be the Boss You Want, is now available! This book was my graduate school project from 5 years ago. It has changed and morphed over the years. It has had 4 different […]

New Year, New Look, New Goals

New year, new look, new goals. Life has been insane, especially this past year. We sold our house in 3 days. We bought a house. We got pregnant. We had our third daughter. Our dog had two surgeries. We went on vacation to Hawaii and Disneyland and the beach (three things I really like!). We […]

The Creative Meets the Practical

“Where did that idea go?!” I have had that thought more than once. There is not much more frustrating than having an idea and then not remember that amazing idea a couple of minutes later. I seem to do this in many areas of my life, from an article idea, a new thought regarding a […]

4 Reasons You Need to Finish What You Start

I love to jump at the chance of new opportunities. I thrive in growing myself both personally and professionally. I have always loved to write. In an online community I am in, I came across the opportunity to join a freelance writing course. As I’ve shared before, we all have something to say. We all […]