Mini Goal Monday
Is there something in your life that you want to accomplish but you continue to push off? You come up with excuse after excuse as to why you can’t accomplish the goal? I have a list of things I want to accomplish. But they usually stay on that list unless I set aside time and […]
How Big is Your Dish? 3 Ways to Move Forward Once You Have Hit Your Limit
We all have responsibilities in our life. Jobs, chores, spouse, kids. The level of responsibility varies in each person’s life. How much each person can handle, both emotionally and physically, also varies. Photo Credit: Mike Gogulski via Compfight cc How Big Is Your Plate? A great way to describe how much responsibility a person can […]
A Filter for Decision Making: 4 Questions to Ask When Making a Decision
I can’t not look at my life and evaluate it. From my marriage to my kids to my job to my personal development, I seem to constantly evaluate my life, where I am at and where I want it be in 1, 3, 5 years. This in and of itself is a great trait to […]