You Can’t Do It All: Live a Prioritized, Purposeful Life

I am excited to be sharing over at She Is Fierce HQ! We often think we have to find the perfect balance in life. The reality is, you do not need to do it all. Instead, you need to figure out what is important to you and then create a life around those priorities. In […]

Why You Won’t Succeed

The world we live in is all about instant gratification. You want the food warmed fast so you put it in the microwave. You are hungry so you stop at that drive through. You send the text, email, or leave a voice message and you expect to hear back from the person in a short […]

How I Lost an Hour of My Life

When I looked up at the clock, I could not believe an hour had passed. Not often do I get time alone to do whatever I want. However, when I do, I usually utilize the time to be productive or participate in some self-care. I have a to-do list a mile long. This list includes […]

Don’t Miss the Bus

It’s that time of year again. The time when parents rejoice that school is about to start. I share on She Is Fierce HQ my experience on my daughter going back to school. Join me over here Don’t Miss the Bus: Getting Ready for Back to School. Here’s to the Journey!