4 Ways to Combat Quiet Quitting

In recent years, there has been a new phenomenon in the workplace called “quiet quitting.” It refers to the situation where an employee decides to quit their job, but instead of handing in their resignation letter, they simply withdraw from their work, disengages from their colleagues, and avoid any confrontation or discussion with their employer. […]

Is it really a time management issue?

round silver colored analog stopwatch on brown wooden panel

You ever have so much you want to get done but the to-do list ends with the same number of items on it as you started, yet you crossed things off? Odds are, you have a priority management problem, not a time management problem. My daughter is this same way and it is something we […]

What is a Coach?

“I’m a life coach.” I sometimes shudder when I hear this statement. I heard someone say this recently but since I overheard it from another table, I decided not to interject in the conversation. Being a coach these days is used flippantly. While there are many coaching certification programs, the profession of coaching does not […]

Your Word of the Year: Why It Matters

The infamous word of the year. Are you “engaging,” “thriving,” “loving,” or “dreaming” this year? The word of the year concept became popular a few of years ago. The idea behind this is you pick a word that is going to define the coming year. Sometimes it is about a change you want to make […]