
If You Focus on Everything, You Focus on Nothing

Focus on one thing this quarter. The new year comes with excitement and ALL of the possibilities. But you still have just as much time as you did before and that probability wasn’t a lot. Coming up with a laundry list of to-dos to improve your business isn’t the answer. When you focus on everything, […]

The Power of a Vision Statement

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, having a clear vision is paramount to steering your company toward success. A well-crafted statement acts as a guiding star, outlining the future direction of your organization and should motivate your staff to be a part of it. A vision statement encapsulates the long-term aspirations of a company. It […]

How Do You Network?

Building a robust professional network is crucial for career success. Think about how you got your last job? Or your first job? Or landed your first big account? Networking is an essential skill that can open doors to countless opportunities. Here are four ways and thoughts on ways you can expand your network, create meaningful […]

4 Ways to Help With Your Decision Fatigue as a Business Owner and Leader

How many decisions do you have to make in a day? If you are a business owner or oversee a department in an organization, multiply that by a lot. I say a lot because the number of decisions you have to make most likely fluctuates from day to day. You are constantly faced with making […]