Redefining Success
I’ve been struggling lately with the definition of success. My definition of success. I wonder if it’s time I start redefining success. We are told that the definition of success is graduating from college and establishing a great career. I graduated from college, started what I thought was going to be a career, have made […]
Keeping the “Nine to Five” from 9-5: How Technology Creates a Work-Life Balance Struggle
With the use of technology today, we can work anywhere, anytime. This provides more flexibility in how our jobs are accomplished, and when they are accomplished. This can be a great asset. Photo Credit: Janitors via Compfight cc Without the appropriate boundaries, we can see technology slowly hurting our families. There was a study done […]
6 Ways to Engage Employees from Day 1
*This is part 2 of a 2 part series on employee engagement. Check out part 1 HERE. We have all seen the reports that show most employees despise going to work. There is some employee responsibility but there is also a great responsibility on the organizations shoulders. Most employers want to get the most out […]
Why Employee Engagement is a 2 Way Street
*This is part 1 of a 2 part series on employee engagement The term employee engagement has been thrown around a lot in the business world as of late. It is said that employee engagement is good for the organization. For employees to be engaged, there has to be a benefit to them as well. […]