
The Upside to Change

Change is known as a four letter word. It is feared more than it is accepted. It is the unknown that is before us. Yet there is an upside to change. “The only thing that is constant is change.” Heraclitus The change has only been in effect for 6 days. Yet I can tell you […]

What is a Coach?

“I’m a life coach.” I sometimes shudder when I hear this statement. I heard someone say this recently but since I overheard it from another table, I decided not to interject in the conversation. Being a coach these days is used flippantly. While there are many coaching certification programs, the profession of coaching does not […]

Why You Won’t Succeed

The world we live in is all about instant gratification. You want the food warmed fast so you put it in the microwave. You are hungry so you stop at that drive through. You send the text, email, or leave a voice message and you expect to hear back from the person in a short […]