Kids have a way of putting things into perspective.

I am a doer. Type A personality to the core. This comes with a realist perspective. I have a hard time putting the to-do’s out of my head and focusing on playing with my kids, even during down time. I’m checking my phone, putting stuff away (because there is ALWAYS stuff to put away), or trying to quickly clean something, anything!

Recently, I have tried to keep my phone or computer out of arms reach when I am with my family. I have tried to ignore the dirty floor or the pile of dishes. I try to ignore the bills but those still have to be paid.

And do you know what has happened?

I see my daughters in a whole new way, especially my 3 year old.

tea party

 Her imagination and care-free spirit has captured me. Yesterday she went on a safari in my parents back yard. She saw lions, elephants, and giraffes. All in the midst of nothingness.

When did I lose that free spirit attitude? When did I become an old, stuffy adult?

I had a random holiday for work that allowed me to spend extra time with my daughters. We laughed and played and laughed some more. And I was able to be care-free. I watched my daughter twirl and jump, and I joined her.

Sometimes, the to-do list has to be put away. Things need to be dirty. And we need to be fully present. Just another step in creating the balance and getting my priorities right.

I don’t always get it right, but when I do, the joy is unexplainable.

Here’s to the Journey!

Stephanie_small (1)

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