When it comes to comparing, I am the worst offender. I look at what other people have, their career, material goods, or more time, and I often wonder what it would be like if I had those things.

One of the best pieces of advice comes from Jon Acuff’s book Quitter. “Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” This can be applied to every aspect of life.


I hate running. This image could not describe me any better.

Just Kidding I don't Run

I decided awhile ago I was going to start running. And my husband laughed at me. I thought “It can’t be that hard. Look at everyone else doing it.”

Then I ran an 1/8 of a mile.

And I gave up. (Disclaimer-I was never really “in it” to begin with).

Comparison in All Areas of Life

This is true for other aspects of my life.

I want to be further along in my career.

I want to provide better financially for my family.

I want more time with my family.

I want a bigger house.

I want a nicer car.

I want the awesome website.

I want the coaching and consulting business.

When it is something I really want, and I see someone doing it already, I become discouraged. If someone else is already doing it, and doing it well, then why should I even try? I want to be where they are without the time or effort they have put in. And this thought processes steals the joy from where I am right now.

The joy of life is found in the small moments. It is found in being thankful for what I have and where I am in the journey. When we long after what we do not have by comparing ourselves with others, we lose the joy that comes with the journey.

[bctt tweet=”When we long after what we do not have by comparing ourselves with others, we lose the joy that comes with the journey.” via=”no”]

There is Only One You

I’m reminded no one has the same worldview, experiences, personality, skill set and strengths as I do. This is why the world needs my voice. This is why the world needs yours. There is no one who is exactly like me.

If you are just starting out on building your dream, don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. They have put time, effort,  and sacrificed to get where they are now.

There may be a book written on the subject you want to write on, but it’s not written with your voice. Don’t compare your theoretical book to the books already written. The world needs your words.

Don’t compare your artistic ability to other artists. They don’t have your talent or eye. The world needs your drawings.

Don’t compare your IT skills to the person who has been building websites for years. The world needs your service.

Don’t let comparison be what is stopping you from pursuing your dream and living a purposeful life. The world needs your dream.

[bctt tweet=”Don’t let comparison be what is stopping you from pursuing your dream and living a purposeful life.”]

As Dr. Suess says “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

The world needs you.

How or what are you comparing to others? How can you be more you today? Share below!

Here’s to the Journey!

Stephanie_small (1)

2 Responses

  1. Preach it! You stole the words right out of my head! I feel like this ALL OF THE TIME. I’ve been blogging less than a year, but will find myself discouraged because I’m not as popular as others or because people aren’t knocking down my door to work with me yet. I had to take the month off of Instagram because I would find myself comparing myself to all of the awesome bloggers I follow. I just need the time to refocus.

    Great post!

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