Do You Have Freedom In Your Business?

If you are in the United States, you have probably heard a lot of people talking about freedoms, seeing as how the 4th of July, our Independence Day, was yesterday. The word freedom means different things to different people, and we experience it in different ways. Which got me thinking more about freedom as a […]

If You Focus on Everything, You Focus on Nothing

Focus on one thing this quarter. The new year comes with excitement and ALL of the possibilities. But you still have just as much time as you did before and that probability wasn’t a lot. Coming up with a laundry list of to-dos to improve your business isn’t the answer. When you focus on everything, […]

New Year, New Look, New Goals

New year, new look, new goals. Life has been insane, especially this past year. We sold our house in 3 days. We bought a house. We got pregnant. We had our third daughter. Our dog had two surgeries. We went on vacation to Hawaii and Disneyland and the beach (three things I really like!). We […]

Why Absurd Goals Demotivate You

I had seven things on my to-do list on Monday. On Tuesday, I had six things. By the time Wednesday came around, I had eight items. All of these items were specific to goals. How in the world did my to-do list increase when I had accomplished several items? I sat down last night and […]