Process and Systems Equal Business Sanity

What would happen if you became extremely ill? Or what if someone on your team who had a lot of authority and power (and tasks they completed) up and quit on you? Would your team know how they could step in and fill in those roles or fulfill other components of the business? Most tasks […]

5 Questions to Help You Become a Better Leader

woman in gray blazer doing a report

Leadership. A 9 letter word with implications of a billion letters. It is all inclusive and the backbone of a great organization. How do you become a better leader? Where do you even start? You start asking questions to help you become a better leader. When you ask questions, you gain a better understanding of […]

Is it really a time management issue?

round silver colored analog stopwatch on brown wooden panel

You ever have so much you want to get done but the to-do list ends with the same number of items on it as you started, yet you crossed things off? Odds are, you have a priority management problem, not a time management problem. My daughter is this same way and it is something we […]

It’s the Qualities That Matter

photo of people doing handshakes

I love a good sitcom. Let’s be honest, I love watching tv. It helps me tune out from the worries of this world. There are some characters that I resonate with and others that just seem to bug me. I always seem to assess the bosses and leaders within these fictional shows. I’ll look at […]