Your Team Not Getting Results? Maybe It’s Time to Take a Look in the Mirror

You ever work for someone who was upset their team wasn’t getting the results they wanted, but they never looked in the mirror to see if they might be the problem? I once worked for someone who always said we needed to focus on raising up leaders in the organization. This was great in theory […]
Employee Motivation is More Than An Employee Lunch

Motivation. The one thing that is needed for everything you do. Don’t want to clean up your dinner but want a clean kitchen? You do it because you are motivated by a clean kitchen. That is a very simple example that most can relate to. This takes intrinsic motivation. It is something you want. What […]
The One Thing That Is Everything in Organizations

I remember when I entered my first leadership role, overseeing a diverse group of individuals of all ages. I came in with particular ideas and an action plan. I sat back and watched how they functioned. I quickly realized they had a strong organizational culture that I was not a part of. I observed how […]
It’s the Qualities That Matter

I love a good sitcom. Let’s be honest, I love watching tv. It helps me tune out from the worries of this world. There are some characters that I resonate with and others that just seem to bug me. I always seem to assess the bosses and leaders within these fictional shows. I’ll look at […]