6 Roadblocks to Know About to Enhance Effective Communication

As we have talked about before, communication is the backbone of leadership. Knowing this, it is also important to know that there are barriers to communication that you can help minimize. The end goal isn’t simply communication. The goal is effective communication. Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another. Effective […]

Are You the Leader You Want to Be?

photo of people leaning on wooden table

Leadership. Such a small word with great impact. Leaders come in all varieties. There are leaders who have power and influence because of who they are or what they know. Some leaders who have power due to their position. There are leaders who don’t even know they are leaders, or don’t believe they are leaders. […]

5 Reasons You Need to Encourage Networking Within Your Organization

woman in red blazer sitting by the table having a meeting

Networking. When you hear the work what comes to mind? For most people it is a networking event. Or networking between businesses. What if I told you that networking within your own company is just as beneficial as networking with outside organizations? Networking is the building and nurturing of personal and professional relationships. Those relationships […]

4 Tips to Become a More Effective Communicator

group of people sitting indoors

Communication is the backbone of leadership and business. It takes effective communication to make sure that what is being communicated is received the right way. Often, it is miscommunication that is the downfall of a relationship, whether that is professional or personal. Communication is a dialogue, and not a monologue. It is a two way […]