5 Things You Can Do To Become A Better Manager

How many of you saw someone promoted because they were good at the technical side of the job? Or experienced that yourself. But as you went into the position of overseeing a team, you were never taught how to manage and thought to yourself “how are managers made?” If you know what I am talking […]
5 Questions to Help You Become a Better Leader

Leadership. A 9 letter word with implications of a billion letters. It is all inclusive and the backbone of a great organization. How do you become a better leader? Where do you even start? You start asking questions to help you become a better leader. When you ask questions, you gain a better understanding of […]
6 Reasons Frequent Feedback Loops are Important (and Why You Should Minimize the Annual Review)

The annual review. There is not much more dreaded in the life cycle of an employee. Especially if you are the type of person that likes feedback but don’t receive it often. On the flip side, managers typically don’t understand the importance of providing feedback and think the once a year review is sufficient. There […]
What They See is What They’ll Do

The other day I was in Hobby Lobby with my entire family. 3 kids and a husband. If you aren’t familiar with Hobby Lobby, it is a very large craft store, some pre-made items and then craft supplies galore. As I was helping my oldest daughter look for beads (she is my entrepreneur with her […]