Why You Can’t Be Anything You Want
4 Questions to Think About Regarding Your Purpose If you are in your twenties or thirties, then there is a good chance you are going through an identity crises. A crisis that includes decision and the fear of making the wrong decision. Growing up, you were most likely told you could do anything you wanted. […]
7 Ways to Deal with a Bad Supervisor
We have all been in that work situation. The situation where the person who is in charge during your working hours makes work less than tolerable. There are many reasons you might say you work for a manager or leader who is lacking in skills associated with their position. This can make going to work […]
No One Told Me Raising Kids Would Be Like This
Raising kids is no joke. There is the feeding them. The playing with them. The disciplining them. The bathing them (I hate this one for some reason). And the constant “Mom, look at me.” To which I respond “Trust me, I am always looking at you.” They tend to suck the life right out of […]
Comparison is the Thief of Joy
When it comes to comparing, I am the worst offender. I look at what other people have, their career, material goods, or more time, and I often wonder what it would be like if I had those things. One of the best pieces of advice comes from Jon Acuff’s book Quitter. “Never compare your beginning […]