A Filter for Decision Making: 4 Questions to Ask When Making a Decision
I can’t not look at my life and evaluate it. From my marriage to my kids to my job to my personal development, I seem to constantly evaluate my life, where I am at and where I want it be in 1, 3, 5 years. This in and of itself is a great trait to […]
Single Parenting: 7 Things I Learned Being a Single Parent for a Week
My husband was out of town for 108 hours and 15 minutes (but really, who was counting?) and he came through the door not a minute too soon. We have a 3 year old who is going on 16 and a 10 month old. Luckily, they both sleep through the night. First of all, mad […]
6 Ways to Engage Employees from Day 1
*This is part 2 of a 2 part series on employee engagement. Check out part 1 HERE. We have all seen the reports that show most employees despise going to work. There is some employee responsibility but there is also a great responsibility on the organizations shoulders. Most employers want to get the most out […]
3 Ways to Help Your Kids Overcome the 9-5
Monday. Monday morning, specifically. Thinking about this can send a chill up your spine. Especially when you go to a job you don’t particularly like. We all need income. Sometimes, this means having a job that is less than desirable. After you have been in a job for several years, you begin to feel like […]