11 Leadership Quotes to Make You Think
Quotes from individuals who have gone before us down the path of life are inspiring and instrumental in shaping who we are. They shape who we become. When we read and digest information, it helps shape our worldview on that particular subject. I wrote a book on servant leadership as my final project for my […]
3 Areas to Prepare Beforehand to Make the Most of Your Vacation
Vacation. It is now the middle of summer and you most likely have either gone on a vacation or are planning on going on your summer vacation soon. The excitement of getting away from it all can often be overshadowed by all that has to be accomplished before you leave. There are different types of […]
4 Reasons You Need to Finish What You Start
I love to jump at the chance of new opportunities. I thrive in growing myself both personally and professionally. I have always loved to write. In an online community I am in, I came across the opportunity to join a freelance writing course. As I’ve shared before, we all have something to say. We all […]
Why Self-Care is Important: 3 Steps to Develop a Self-Care Routine
As a parent, as a mom, I give and give of myself. There is always something to get done, a question to be answered, and some love to give. If I take 5 minutes for myself, I often feel guilty. Feel guilty because these little people need me and there is always so much to […]