The Rapid Change of How Business is Done
The world is rapidly changing how we do business. It is changing how we interact, how we live, basically everything. Restaurants are offering curbside or free delivery, and limited capacity to anyone who is inside restaurants. Stores are reducing the number of hours they are open or they are closing completely. People are encouraged to […]
Leading IS About Relationships
In an instant, the relationship was broken. I had seen it so many times before that I honestly wasn’t surprised. A meeting taking place. Someone offering an idea because of the boss asking a question. And the boss squashing/making fun of the idea. In that instant, a level of trust diminished between the boss and […]
Does It Take Less Than 5 Minutes?
As leaders, we are all really busy, right? Most of us aren’t only leaders in our own organization, but we are volunteering in other places, we have families, and there is just a lot going on. Due to how crazy life can be, I try to live by the 5 minutes or less rule. […]
You Can Make Progress Or You Can Make Excuses
We are now coming up towards the end of January and odds are you have made goals or resolutions, whatever you want to call it, to start this new year off. New year, new you. At least that’s the hashtag that was going around a couple of weeks ago. You might have already fallen off […]