5 Quotes to Help Change Your Mindset
I used to hate Mondays something fierce. It was hard to want to get out of bed. Then, I discovered that I had the ability to love Mondays if I changed my mindset. A year later I was able to start my own business and leave that job behind, but the shift in mindset helped […]
Leading Your Team to Avoid Remote Worker Burnout
Leading remote workers is difficult. When you are in an office, you have a pulse on what is happening. You can pop into someone’s office for a quick meeting or to see how they are doing. It is a more focused environment, where everyone is there to get a job done. As a leader, I […]
The Difference Between a Manager and Leader
Being a manager is different than being a leader. Management is about efficiency and effectiveness. Leadership is about people and development. A manager is sometimes a leader as well. A leader is sometimes a manager as well, but you can be a leader without a formal title. Managers focus on telling staff what to do and communicating facts. When a […]
Is it Just a Transaction?
Your worldview plays a part in how you view everything. I wasn’t sure what a worldview was until I was in grad school. In its most basic terms, your worldview is the underlying belief or philosophy of how you view society and individuals. If you believe that people have intrinsic value, you will treat them […]