Step into your unique leadership potential.

I remember exactly what it was like…

I wanted the promotion but didn’t know if I was ready.

I tried to lead like the men in the organization and it wasn’t authentic.

I didn’t have an understanding of what leadership truly was.

I felt like I had to prove myself. Nothing like being a woman in a mans world.

When I was assertive, it was viewed as me ruffling feathers.

I was viewed as the outsider.

What if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if you could learn to lead in a way that was authentic to you?

At a young age I was thrown in with the sharks when I became a leader in an organization in a male dominated industry. Through a learn as you go approach and formal education, I was able to successfully navigate the challenges that come with leading in a male dominated industry. 

And now, I want to help others do the same.

The Confident Leader Masterclass is designed for women to learn the basics of leadership that are necessary for success, how the qualities you already have make you an effective leader, and unlock the next level of performance needed to succeed.

In this 4 week dynamic course + group coaching, you’ll have the opportunity to develop your Confident Leader Blueprint so you are empowered to lead and promotion ready in 60 days.

Here is what is included:

Module 1: Ready to Lead?

Learn the things that are holding you back from advancement in your career and how you can level up your leadership capability.

Module 2: Your Unique Leadership Style

Discover the qualities you already have that make you an effective leader and learn how to leverage both power and authority in a way that feels authentic to you.

Module 3: Your Personal Quality Toolbox

Evaluate your core values, character traits and personality type through the lens of leadership so that you can unlock the next level of performance you need to succeed.

Module 4: Transform Into A Confident Leader

Master your mindset and learn communication strategies that influence peers, subordinates and bosses alike. You’ll pull it all together in your Confident Leadership Blueprint so that you are ready to step into your next leadership role or promotion.

Course + Group Coaching Details

-This course is being offered at a beta investment for only $497 (regular price is $797) and is only open for 5 people. I want to make this the best it can be so will need your feedback and help in shaping this for future students.

-Course + group coaching begins on January 31st.

-Group Coaching is on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 pm PST.

-Course is 4 weeks long.

-One 1:1 coaching session at the end of the course ($125 value).

-Bonuses to include a video course by Amy Campbell with My Resume Lady on how to audit your resumes and your LinkedIn profile to stand out and create a competitive advantage in your career ($177 value).

(because we all have questions)

When does the class start?

We start the week of January 31st with the first content released. The first group coaching session is on Wednesday February 3rd at 6 pm PST.

Do I get access to all of the content right away?

No, you’ll get access to content on a weekly basis. I want you to be able to focus on the current content and come to our group coaching ready to engage with it.

How do I sign up?

All you have to do is click the Join Now button. You’ll get information you need to log into the platform where the content will be delivered. Sign ups end on Friday January 29th at midnight.

Will the group coaching sessions be recorded?

Yes, they will be recorded for you to view after. Being in person is going to give you the most benefit.

How many spots are available?

For this beta program, I am only opening it up to 5 spots. I want you to get the most out of our time together.

Will the beta price go away?

Yes, the beta price is only for the beta group going through it. Once this class is over, the price will increase to its full price.

Will I always have access to the content?

Yes! The course itself will be available for you to review the content as you need or want.

Bonuses to Include:

-Video course by Amy Campbell with My Resume Lady on how to audit your resume and your LinkedIn profile to stand out and create competitive advantage in your career ($177 value)

-Enneagram Bonus videos by Enneagram Megan (check out her Instagram) ($79 value)

-A copy of my best-selling book So Your Boss Can’t Lead? A Practical Guide to be the Leader You Want

-7 Common Mistakes Women Make in the Workplace and When Leading

You have what it takes to be a confident leader, now it’s time to learn how to put it into action.